Angels Among Us
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The name of the minor child in the incident below has been deleted to protect her privacy. The person who experienced this is a member of Celebration Place Church and has a true God given gift of spiritual discernment. Should you have any questions or comments, or have experiences of your own you would like to share, please email Pastor Mike at:

Celebration Place Church
Children's Time

Every Sunday at our church, we have a Children's Time during the worship. All children in the service are invited to come down to the front of the sanctuary and hear a short bible teaching. The children are encouraged to get involved, read the Bible out loud, and to pray. This particular Sunday morning was no different. Pastor Mike was leading this service.

A young girl about three years old said she wanted to pray on this particular morning. As she stood next to Pastor Mike, who was helping her with the words, I began to see glowing sparkles throughout the room. These sparkles began to grow brighter and I could clearly see figures within the lights. The more clear these figures became, the more obvious it was that they were angels. These were very powerful angels, and became very bright. At one point, they simply stood there beaming as this innocent little girl prayed to God. The love that came from these angels as they surrounded her was overwhelming.

I feel God has something very special planned for this young lady, but I do not know what it is. But to see God working in our church and sending his angels to watch over the children at Celebration Place Church is truly awesome.

Copyrighted 2001
The above incident may not be copied, reprinted, or reproduced
without written consent of the writer. Please contact the
church office should you wish to use this story in any form.